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Topic outline

  • Welcome

  • CH01 Essential Libraries for Deep Learning

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  • CH02_Building and Training Your First Neural Network

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  • CH03 - Implementing More Complex Neural Network for Image Classification

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  • CH04 - Hyperparameter Tuning using Grid Search

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  • CH05 - 5 CNN Architectures

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  • CH06 - Recurrent Neural Network ( Theoretical Part)

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  • CH07 - Project 01: Text classification with BBC news article dataset

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  • CH08 - Project 02: Machine Language Translation Using RNN

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  • CH09 - Project 03: Time Series Prediction with LSTM

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  • CH10 - Project 04: GRU example using IMDb dataset

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  • CH11 - Project05: Word Embeddings to Represent Text Data

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  • CH12 - Final Project: Sentiment Analysis with RNN

    Restricted Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
  • Certificates

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    Certificate will be available after completion course within 1 Hour

  • MaharaTech Consultant