Course Description
JavaScript is the leading web development languages. Large companies such as Facebook, google, amazon, Netflix, Walmart and PayPal are using JavaScript to build their apps. JavaScript role is not limited to the client side only but also used for building
mobile applications, IoT apps development, and game development besides being a server side language. If you want to be a JS developer, able to solve code problems and change the use of frameworks and libraries easily you need to start learning “Introduction
to JavaScript” course.
This course introduces you to the fundamentals of JavaScript diving into client-side capabilities and using of JavaScript in creating dynamic applications that take full advantage of the browser objects and responds to users’ inputs and events.
If you are having knowledge of HTML and CSS and completely new to programming, this course is for you. The course is also valuable for programmers who are just new to the JavaScript language.
What you'll learn
After completing this course you will be able to :
Represent data using JavaScript variables.
Control your program flow .
Debug your code.
Distinguish between the different data types.
Use JS built-in objects with their properties and methods (String, Array, Date…etc ).
Implement dynamic interactive web pages and enhanced functionality in web development.
Handling errors.
Create your own custom objects.
Define properties to your object using data descriptor or accessor descriptor.
Create your own custom function.
Explain functions object’s properties and methods.
Determine closures.
DOM manipulation and event handling.
Create JSON Files and making AJAX requests using JavaScript.
You'll learn in object oriented JavaScript chapter:
The core principles of OOP and its implementation in JavaScript.
Difference between factory and constructor functions to create an instance.
Implement private members and use privileged methods.
Overriding and property shadowing.
Overloading in JavaScript.
How to implement abstract class in JavaScript.
All about reference value, and the new operator.
Getting familiar with prototype chain.
How ""this"" works in JavaScript.
Prototypal inheritance and delegation hierarchy: one of the confusing parts of JavaScript.
Complete course : Course HTML & CSS