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4 المقررات الدراسية

iOS Professional Trainers

Develop in Swift Fundamentals

This Teacher Guide provides tools to deepen engagement with aspiring app developers, whether you have experience teaching with Swift or other programming languages. Students build fundamental iOS app development skills with Swift. They’ll master the core concepts and practices that Swift programmers use daily and build a basic fluency in Xcode source and UI editors. Students will be able to create iOS apps that adhere to standard practices, including the use of stock UI elements, layout techniques, and common navigation interfaces. They’ll explore app design by brainstorming, planning, prototyping, and evaluating an app idea of their own. Three guided app projects help students build an app in Xcode from the ground up with step-by-step instructions. Xcode playgrounds help students learn key programming concepts as they write Swift code in an interactive coding environment that lets them experiment with code and see the results immediately.

iOS Professional Trainers

Develop in Swift Data Collection

This Teacher Guide provides tools to deepen engagement with aspiring app developers, whether you have experience teaching with Swift or other programming languages. Students expand on the knowledge and skills they developed in Fundamentals by extending their work in iOS app development, creating more complex and capable apps. They’ll work with data from a server and explore new iOS APIs that allow for much richer app experiences—including displaying large collections of data in multiple formats. They’ll explore app design by brainstorming, planning, prototyping, and evaluating an app idea of their own. Three guided app projects help students build an app in Xcode from the ground up with step-by-step instructions. Xcode playgrounds help students learn key programming concepts as they write Swift code in an interactive coding environment that lets them experiment with code and see the results immediately.

iOS Professional Trainers

Develop in Swift Explorations

This Teacher Guide provides tools to deepen engagement with aspiring app developers, whether you have experience teaching with Swift or other programming languages.

The Develop in Swift Explorations course is designed to help students learn key computing concepts and build a solid foundation in programming with Swift. They’ll learn about the impact of computing and apps on society, economies, and cultures while exploring iOS app development. Lessons take students through the app design process: brainstorming, planning, prototyping, and evaluating an app of their own. While they may still be developing skills to convert prototypes into full apps, designing an app helps students grow into the exciting world of app development.

iOS Professional Trainers


After completing the 3 previous courses including reading both books (Fundamentals and Data Collection), implementing the assignments and the small projects inside them, in addition to building the QuestionBot App in the exploration book, the trainers should show their teaching skills in delivering the contents, problems, assignments and projects in a simplified way.

They should use Apple materials during the first two days, then they should use materials that they have prepared on their own in the second two days.

Hence, the evaluation will be on:

  • The Teaching Skills of ready made materials
  • The skills of creating new materials.
  • The familiarity with Apple materials, assignments and small projects.
  • The way of supporting the students technically.